With all the varied type of workout regimes bandied about today to build muscle, how do you determine which program is correct for you? I suggest you take a look at two of the most popular programs you can follow as a weightlifter in the weight room, then consider an alternative combination program, and decide which among the 3 is best for you.
Muscle Mass Building
Most newbie weightlifters initially have one main goal when starting in the weight room – they want to quickly build large muscles fast! The majority are usually skinny to start with and see weight lifting as a method of getting major muscle mass on their frame regardless of the price. If you are one of these type of trainers you will likely benefit the most through heavy use of compound exercises. Start each Monday’s workout routine using the “bench.” Place particular attention to the muscles of the shoulder, triceps, and chest buy using heavy weight movement like military presses, dips, bench press drills and add in some skull crushers. Wednesday’s routine can place primary emphasis on the back and bicep muscles through the use of heavy weights for curls, rows, deadlifts and chins. Friday’s work out can consist primarily of leg exercises. Use heavy weights for the series leg squats, leg curls and toe raises that build the calves. Only train hard on these 3 days and rest the other days. Keep it this simple. It’s not necessary to be concerned with any cardiovascular training. It is also important to ingest an extra 500 calories daily in addition to a good eight hours of sleep each night for the mass muscle building method of training to be the most effective. Plus, many weightlifters can improve mass muscle building by adding a great supplement called Xtreme NO to their diet. You can find more information about this supplement at Xtreme NO Muscle Builder.
Goal To Lose Fat
If your main concern as a weight lifter is to lose body fat rather than gain muscle bulk as a goal, a better suited routine for you would be to concentrate more on lighter weights and a greater degree of cardiovascular training. You can begin your workouts with 30 minutes of moderate training like a split body “push pull” training or full body training and then run through a series of cardiovascular exercises for approximately 30 to 45 minutes. This will enable you to build muscle and maintain it while your blood sugar (glycogen) level is high and the consequent cardio exercises will burn your excess body fat. As additional muscle mass is built, your body’s natural metabolism will be altered so that you will be losing fat. However, as a consequence of your current efforts you will lose body fat immediately. This will make you feel better about yourself and look better at present.
An All-Around Fitness Program
This – hybrid – work out training program enables you to combine the mass muscle build and the fat loss program into a single workout routine that builds muscle. The methodology involved here is to workout very hard 3 days a week with weights and spend the other 2 or 3 days working out very hard on the cardiovascular exercise regime. You will definitely see muscle growth, just not as much as with the first two programs because you are spending cardio time on what would otherwise be recovery and growth time. However, you will get stronger and more muscular while becoming leaner with the use of this type of combined training method.While researching musclebuilding routines you will doubtless discover many different varieties of workouts that are touted as the best. Just make sure that you determine what your specific goals are and tailor a routine that fits your individual needs. Keeping that in mind, you should find a workout routine that provides the methods that will enable you to reach your goal the quickest. I wish you all the best!
People that are looking for info about the topic of weight loss, then check out the website that was mentioned in this line.
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